Children’s Health: Malaria and MalnutritionHeath Initiatives Mission (HIM): Children’s Health
While Malaria is a worry for travelers on vacations to tropical areas, it is a matter of life and death for the Pokot Children. This is especially true during the rainy season. It has been estimated that 1 out of 3 children in Pokot live to see their 5th birthday. Malaria contributes to majority of these deaths. Did you know that malaria kills more people in Africa than HIV/AIDS? Poor hygiene and lack of clean water are the other major contributors. That is why we strongly feel that we cannot address the health concerns affecting mothers and children in Pokot community without addressing the need for clean water (for more information, please see Public Health: Clean Water). |
Heath Initiatives Mission (HIM) hopes to reverse this trend in the Pokot community by providing education to expectant mothers and parents with children under 5 years old. Additionally, we hope to secure sponsors for mosquito nets treated with insecticides. With your help and partnership, we can give hope and life to the children of the Pokot community.
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